REVEAL Aging : AGEucate Training Institute AGEucate Training Institute

Quality Caregiver Training that Transforms Attitudes and Actions

Quality caregiver training is paramount for any aging service provider. For caregiver training courses to change knowledge, attitudes, or action in care practices, the learner must engage on a cognitive and emotional level.
Learning Topics
Each one-hour device friendly course is made up of micro-learning content, meaning caregivers can engage on-the-go in small chunks of time. Applying this method boosts caregiver engagement, closes skills gaps and fosters practical applications in real-time. Education and training for caregivers becomes easy, affordable, and impactful in partnership with AGE-u-cate Training Institute!
Each course includes a digital badge and certificate of completion as well as options to earn CEUs.
Caregiver Training ResourcesĀ 
REVEAL Aging white paper
Get the white paper on Education and Training for Caregivers
Huddle Guide
Get the Caregiver Training Huddle Guide