Home - AGEucate Training Institute, Igniting Change AGEucate Training Institute
CMP Long Term Care
Unlock the potential of your long-term care facility with our innovative project designed to lay the foundation for an enriching Quality of Life culture
Seamlessly aligning with the latest CMP funding framework, our project integrates AGE-u-cate's cutting-edge core programs – Dementia Live®, Compassionate Touch®, Flashback™️, and REVEAL Aging courses – into a comprehensive package to get Back to Basics.


Dementia Live — “I always worked with dementia patients but now going through Dementia Live®, I feel that I better understand the reasons for the patient’s behaviors”.
— Angele Carnahan, Therapist, Brookville, PA
Compassionate Touch — “Compassionate Touch helped me to understand that even a moment or two of time to make a connection can make a world of difference with the residents.”
— STNA, Accord, OH
Flashback — “The activity provided non-stop fun and engagement. As an activity director, I was very encouraged to see how the activity enabled my less verbal group members to come alive and participate.”
— Pam, Memory Program Director, Barrington, IL
Contact: Jessica Smith
Director of Senior Living Initiatives
817-857-1157 X 219
Email Jessica