AGEucate Training Institute, Igniting Change
Dementia Live™ Coach Training
Six-hour Workshop
Objectives and Content Outline


1. Articulate the Dementia Live™ (DL) benefits as a sensitivity awareness learning tool.

2. Examine the need for a deeper understanding of dementia and sensory change.

3. Distinguish areas of DL experience and how they interrelate for positive outcomes.

4. Determine how to create coach teams to successfully implement DL in a variety of settings.

5. Correctly use the DL program as a lead teaching tool for other person-centered programs.

6. Identify key factors in DL Experience for effective culture change.

7. Establish a means for tracking clinical outcomes of DL.

8. Create an implementation plan to mentor colleagues through ATI provided tools.

9. Explore a plan for DL community outreach and/ or family education.

10. Identify methods of program sustainability.


1. Discussion of the impact of hands-on sensitivity awareness training on empathy and understanding as it relates to the challenges faced by those living with dementia. Research and DL case studies that support validity are discussed.

2. Link behaviors exhibited during DL and how it translates to improved care partner strategies of communications, care processes and environmental changes.

3. Comprehensive breakdown of DL experience areas; Prep, Experience Room and Empowerment Session.

4. Understand and be able to conduct DL experience solely or as a team approach depending on setting and training structure.

5. DL as a core program to integrate throughout employee spectrum, family engagement and community education.

6. DL core value in building deep culture change culture initiatives through strong focus on care partner empowerment.

7. Orientation to DL Outcome Tracking Tool and guidelines.

8. Support materials including information/marketing flyers, press release, registration forms, sign-in sheets, waivers, empowerment tools, staff training guidelines.

9. Orientation to DL Community Outreach Facilitator Guide; engaging families; marketing strategies.

10. Certification licensing; trademark policies; role as DL Trainer; what to expect from ATI for support and resources.